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4.8 ( 2128 ratings )
Estilo de vida
Developer: SGUAI (Shenzhen) Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.

Water is the source of life, and 70% of the human body is made up of water. Because of the existence of water, nutrients are transported, food is digested, waste is excreted, and the body fluids are recycled, and the functions of the human body are run smoothly with the help of water.
Nowadays, many children do not like active drinking water. If children do not drink enough water, they can cause the following injuries:
1, the baby of the spleen and stomach is still not fully development, weak digestion, often can appear the symptom of diarrhea or vomiting, this leads to the baby in the huge loss of moisture, if not timely help baby to supplement moisture, baby may lead to dehydration.
2. Drinking too little water at ordinary times, it is easy to cause the baby to be constipated, in the body, the sleep and toxin cannot be discharged smoothly, the gastrointestinal function is suppressed, this is great for the babys physical injury.
3. Often do not drink water, can cause the babys skin dry and inelastic, affect the normal metabolism of the skin.
Thus, it can be seen that the baby does not love the harm of water is very big, serious even can affect the normal development of the baby, the father and mother must raise vigilance.

Key features:

1. Make reasonable childrens drinking water plan according to user information.
2. Help children develop good drinking habits.
3. The current drinking water and water temperature can be obtained by APP in real time.
4. Grow up with the cute pet on the drinking water APP.
5. Make friends and gather with friends.